I take effortlessly vibrant and evocative photos for all celebrators. Weddings, events, portraits, and everything in between... joy is my jam. I also develop and design distinctive brands for small businesses! If you love to be inspired or you're looking to review my work, you're in the right place.
i'm Angela
It didn’t take long for Stefanie and I to become best friends. The moment she and Jeremy arrived for their San Jose Municipal Rose Garden Engagement Session, I was over the top excited! They showed up dressed for Vogue (which is a weird word, don’t you think?) and came prepared with two stunning and…
This beautiful young lady is as sweet and sassy as she looks in her photos. Michaela is just a few short months from graduating high school, and I am so honored to have been…
This beautiful young lady is as sweet and sassy as she looks in her photos. Michaela is just a few short months from graduating high school, and I am so honored to have been…
My wonderful friends, Kelsey&Esteban, were married at their home church in Clovis, CA after having been separated by 50 states for 6 months. Kelsey was one of the first friends I ever made in college and she later became my roommate, which was the best year of my life. Interestingly, it was a music video I made for a class that brought these two together – it was serendipitous that I would be the one to capture the beginning of this story.
Kelsey&Esteban (affectionately known as #kelsteban) got ready…